Author Archives: jonnyfirestorm

Morgan Cruise vs. Damien Rush

Damien tries to explain to Morgan that he’s having a bad day. 2 other ruthless heels have already worked him over, and he’s worn out. Unfortunately for Damien, Morgan doesn’t give a shit. He makes the handsome jobber’s day even worse. He’s punished on the mat, in the corner, upside down in the corner and trapped in the ropes. Morgan wants to be sure he gives Damien his worst beating of the day. Mission accomplished Morgan.

Morgan Cruise vs. Damien Rush 27 minutes $25


Bundle: W4H 2

Three  more Jonny squash matches from W4H

Jonny vs. Lucas Le’Mon

Jonny vs. Marco

Jonny vs Rico Rave

Buy W4H Bundle 2 – $50


Bundle: W4H 1

From Wrestler 4 Hire, 3 Jonny squash matches against


Sky Davies

Charlie Panther

Buy W4H Bundle 1 – $50


Bundle: Ball Bash Olympics

If you’re a ball bash fan this bundle is for you. For the first time ever all 4 Ball Bash Olympic videos are being offered together as a bundle at a special sale price. Save $40 by buying this special limited time offer!

Jonny vs. Drake Marcos

Jonny vs. Ty Alexander

Jonny vs Kayden Keller

Jonny vs Freddy Campbell

Buy the Ball Bash Olympics Bundle now for $100


Jake Jenkins vs. Eli Black

Jake Jenkins and Eli Black are both very skilled, tough, and tenacious. Sometimes you’re just off your game, and your opponent manhandles you. Thats exactly what happens to ripped stud, Eli Black. He’s still tough and tenacious, hanging on in submissions as long as possible before submitting. Today just isn’t his day though. Jake seemingly takes joy in destroying Eli limb by limb. Watching his muscles pop, abs ripple, and face contort in agony at his hands. Jake’s unique pro/amateur hybrid style is on full display in this bout.

Jake Jenkins vs. Eli Black 27 minutes $25


Jonny Firestorm vs. Mickey Knoxx

New to the scene, Mickey Knoxx walks right into the lions den. Did he know what he was getting into beforehand? Jonny invited him to his hotel room to give him a massage after his match with Ben Monaco. As soon as he works out the knot that was bothering Jonny, it’s go time. Jonny pounces on the newcomer and rips into him without mercy. Mickey’s bulge is assaulted during submissions, after submissions, when he’s standing, when he’s on his back… it’s just assaulted at all points. Jonny marvels at the rookie’s suffering, and gives it to him even harder each time. Switching to his abs, Jonny makes the jobber kiss his fist before he drives it hard into his midsection repeatedly. Mickey is manhandled. Will there be any of him left for future opponents?

Jonny Firestorm vs. Mickey Knoxx 20 minutes $25


Jonny Firestorm vs. Ben Monaco

Jonny and Ben have both been around the wrestling scene for quite some time. Somehow their paths haven’t crossed, until now. The two agree to meet for a hotel match. The match begins as Jonny and Ben flex at each other, trying to intimidate their opponent. Ben surprises Jonny by interrupting his posing with a surprise reverse bearhug. It’s on! Back and forth hotel grappling between two beefy hairy men. Ben doesn’t hold back, and momentum seems to be on his side. Jonny won’t go down without a fight though. Low blows, bear hugs, pec pounding, leg splits and more! Will Ben score an upset victory over Jonny?

Jonny Firestorm vs. Ben Monaco 20 minutes $25


Jonny Firestorm vs. Ty Alexander: Unfaithful

Ty is one of Jonny’s go to kept jobbers. When Jonny hears that Ty met up with another wrestler earlier in the day without his permission, it leaves him no choice but to discipline him. Jonny manhandles the bubble butted jobber with no mercy. He strips Ty layer by layer as the match progresses. Multiple high impact slams and weapons come into the fold. This is a beating Ty will never forget, and one that Jonny loved to dish out.

Jonny Firestorm vs. Ty Alexander: Unfaithful 23:30 minutes $25


Jonny Firestorm vs. Logan Vaughn: The Contract

Jonny approaches Logan as he warms up and tries to get him to sign his rookie contract. Logan insists he could take on Jonny, big mistake. Jonny takes the fight to the hunky rookie and punishes him into submission. With no end in sight and no other options, Logan signs his contract. Sometimes the devil is in the details, and Logan clearly didn’t read the details. “Hold on, the fine print says I can wrestle any contracted wrestler anytime, or anyplace I want” Jonny informs the battered rookie. Jonny is relentless as the hunk’s screams echo throughout the arena. After 40 minutes of abuse, Jonny finally puts the stud out of his misery.

41 minutes. $25.