Tag Archives: ab stretch

Hotel: Jonny Firestorm vs. Mickey Knoxx

New to the scene, Mickey Knoxx walks right into the lions den. Did he know what he was getting into beforehand? Jonny invited him to his hotel room to give him a massage after his match with Ben Monaco. As soon as he works out the knot that was bothering Jonny, it’s go time. Jonny pounces on the newcomer and rips into him without mercy. Mickey’s bulge is assaulted during submissions, after submissions, when he’s standing, when he’s on his back… it’s just assaulted at all points. Jonny marvels at the rookie’s suffering, and gives it to him even harder each time. Switching to his abs, Jonny makes the jobber kiss his fist before he drives it hard into his midsection repeatedly. Mickey is manhandled. Will there be any of him left for future opponents?

Download: Jonny Firestorm vs. Mickey Knoxx 20 minutes $30


Jonny Firestorm vs. Logan Vaughn: The Contract

Jonny approaches Logan as he warms up and tries to get him to sign his rookie contract. Logan insists he could take on Jonny, big mistake. Jonny takes the fight to the hunky rookie and punishes him into submission. With no end in sight and no other options, Logan signs his contract. Sometimes the devil is in the details, and Logan clearly didn’t read the details. “Hold on, the fine print says I can wrestle any contracted wrestler anytime, or anyplace I want” Jonny informs the battered rookie. Jonny is relentless as the hunk’s screams echo throughout the arena. After 40 minutes of abuse, Jonny finally puts the stud out of his misery.

Download: Jonny vs. Logan Vaughn 41 minutes. $30


Jonny Firestorm vs. Chace LaChance

In this scenario Jonny is the leader of a twisted heel cult of wrestlers, who have already done a number on Chase LaChance. Jonny enters and continues Chase’s destruction. Chase has a choice to make, submit totally to Jonny and serve him and the heels as they command or face an endless onslaught of abuse from them. Chase gets wedged, stretched and pounded like only Jonny can deliver.

Download: Jonny vs. Chase LaChance 32 minutes. $30


Jock Fight: Jonny Firestorm vs. Ty Alexander

Jonny and Ty have fought numerous times, often with Jonny dominating the bubble butted jobber. This fight ranks up there with the hottest of their encounters. By popular demand, one of the rarest Jonny matches ever filmed is finally being released for good, a jock strap ring battle. Ty suffers beautifully as Jonny abuses the helpless jobber. KO’s, gut punching, spanking, scissors, racks, tombstones, slams, a stink face and more! Over 30 minutes of jobber torture.

Download: Jock Fight: Jonny vs. Ty 31 minutes, $40.


Jonny Firestorm vs. Biff Farrell

Firestorm often steamrolls over his opponents regardless of their size. Biff Farrell is a whole different beast though. He possesses incredible power and his arsenal of moves reflect that. Jonny does his best to subdue the beast but Biff fights back and slams Jonny hard to the canvas. Stretches, slams, reversal and brutal strikes are traded back and forth. When Biff catches Jonny in midair during a top rope cross body block attempt, he follows it up with a devastating F5. Who will emerge victorious in this pro style back and forth ring war?

Download: Jonny Firestorm vs. Biff Farrell 21 minutes. $30