Charlie, Jack and I were all hanging out recently filming a few matches. Jack and Charlie were eager to lock horns and I was more than happy to film the match. Normally I’d help them come up with some game plan for the match, teach them a few moves I’d like to see, maybe choreograph a sequence or two, pick a winner. But I was intrigued to see just what happened naturally between them. The whole day there was some banter, sly smiles and grins. What would happen if I just let them loose? What happened was a total surprise, Jack ends up dominating Charlie (and judging by the swelling bulge of his speedo, I’d say he’s a willing victim). Charlie’s stretched, gut bashed and repeatedly punished before being Knocked out in Jack’s sleeper. I even get involved from behind the camera in this fun, raw, unscripted and spontaneous surprise squash job.
Download: Jack Norwood vs. Charlie Panther 17:37 minutes $30
missed this one when it released- definitely a squashed Charlie Panther fan! Hot match