Tag Archives: posing

Jonny Firestorm vs. Logan Vaughn: The Contract

Jonny approaches Logan as he warms up and tries to get him to sign his rookie contract. Logan insists he could take on Jonny, big mistake. Jonny takes the fight to the hunky rookie and punishes him into submission. With no end in sight and no other options, Logan signs his contract. Sometimes the devil is in the details, and Logan clearly didn’t read the details. “Hold on, the fine print says I can wrestle any contracted wrestler anytime, or anyplace I want” Jonny informs the battered rookie. Jonny is relentless as the hunk’s screams echo throughout the arena. After 40 minutes of abuse, Jonny finally puts the stud out of his misery.

Download: Jonny vs. Logan Vaughn 41 minutes. $30


Sleepers 1: Jonny Firestorm vs. Damien Rush

Damien Rush is in the ring flexing his massive muscles. Completely unaware that Jonny is lurking in the shadows. Firestorm sneak attacks the beefcake from behind and instantly KO’s him in a sleeper hold. Damien doesn’t get a chance to gain his composure at all, Jonny continuously knocks the stud out again and again with a variety of sleepers. Standing, on the mat, in the ropes and corner. Nowhere is safe for Damien. A sleeper hold lover’s dream!

Download: Sleepers 1: Jonny vs. Damien Rush 21 minutes. $30


Scissors Challenge: Jonny Firestorm vs. Forrest Taylor

Download: Jonny Firestorm vs. Forrest Taylor – the Scissors Challenge – 21 minutes, $30


Red headed rookie Forrest Taylor has taken the underground wrestling world by storm, and now he’s going to square off with the best of the best. After admiring and rubbing down Forrest’s quads, Jonny declares this bout should be a special scissor hold challenge. Whoever can get the most submissions by scissor holds wins. If there’s a double submission than the winner is decided by how quickly they gained the submission. Once gaining a submission hold, the wrestler gets to position their opponent however they’d like for the next scissor hold. Forrest seems confident, and for good reason, his legs have made plenty of worthy opponents submit. Are they strong enough to subdue Firestorm?

Jonny and Forrest waste no time showing one another just how powerful their legs are. Multiple submissions from both men echo throughout the arena as their quads clamp down around each other. Not many people can put Jonny to the test, but even he is willing to admit Forrest’s legs are legit. Can the ginger grappler pull out an upset win? Or will Jonny’s thick vice like quads crush the newcomer? And to make things even better, this match is the first match being offered with newer, higher video quality!


Download: Jonny Firestorm vs. Forrest Taylor – the Scissors Challenge – 21 minutes, $30


Point of View 1: Jonny Firestorm vs. Jake Lowe

At the time of it’s initial release, this was a first of it’s kind concept match. Since then others have copied the idea. And who can blame them? If you can’t beat ’em, copy ’em, and who better than Jonny Firestorm to get some inspiration from? See what it’s like to be on the giving & receiving end of a Jonny squash match. From my perspective, you get to see the eagerness in Jake’s eyes as he’s relentlessly punished. Don’t let the pain fool you though, he loves it and you can tell. From Jake’s perspective you can see how terrifying it is to have a master heel about to unleash hell upon you. 40 minutes of fun, even without a real ending (spoiler alert, I won).

Download: POV 1: Jonny vs. Jake Lowe 40 minutes. $30*
* note: there is no definitve ending to this match, the POV camera battery died. It ends in a decent spot after 40 min

Jonny Firestorm vs. Kip Sorell- Unfaithful

Jonny likes his jobbers to be subservient and loyal. He happens to find out Kip has been seeing some of the other heels behind his back. Jonny will leave Kip wondering if the fun he had was worth the punishment he’s about to endure. Kip gets his hunky body worked over from head to toe, and he looks great suffering. A barefooted ring beatdown!

Download: Jonny vs. Kip Sorell- Unfaithful 27 minutes, $30


Jonny Firestorm vs. Biff Farrell

Firestorm often steamrolls over his opponents regardless of their size. Biff Farrell is a whole different beast though. He possesses incredible power and his arsenal of moves reflect that. Jonny does his best to subdue the beast but Biff fights back and slams Jonny hard to the canvas. Stretches, slams, reversal and brutal strikes are traded back and forth. When Biff catches Jonny in midair during a top rope cross body block attempt, he follows it up with a devastating F5. Who will emerge victorious in this pro style back and forth ring war?

Download: Jonny Firestorm vs. Biff Farrell 21 minutes. $30


Jonny Firestorm vs. Aryx Quinn

Two skilled alpha males square off to see who the top man will be. These two have met before, but never quite like this. Jonny has the technical advantage, but is it enough to overcome Aryx’s brute strength? Back and forth double heel action. The action is non stop and intense, Aryx finds himself trapped in a few of his own signature holds.  Aryx’s muscled cheeks are framed perfectly when he ends up in a jockstrap! 

Download: Jonny Firestorm vs. Aryx Quinn 28 minutes. $30


Jonny Firestorm vs. Masked Menace

Jonny faces his toughest test yet. A back and forth, sweaty ring fight. Neither man holds anything back. The Masked Menace is eager to knock Jonny off the top of heel mountain. Firestorm isn’t ready to give up his crown. just yet. Back and forth strikes, back breaking submissions, and punishing body work. Plenty of crotch abuse, humiliation, and a hot KO finish!

Download: Jonny vs. Masked Menace 23 minutes. $30