Tag Archives: boots

BFF’s: Jonny & Braden – 3 match bundle

Sometimes we all need a little help from our friends. That’s exactly where I found myself after a sneak attack by one sneaky Ethan Axel Andrews. Like a true friend, a giant muscular handsome friend, Braden was there to save my butt. As well as kick Ethan’s in the process. I wasn’t the only wrestler getting their butt kicked with a friend nearby. Ethan yelled out for a pal of his own to come assist him during his time of need. The final match was set, two wrestlers, two friends. Only one team can come out on top. This is the story of BFF’s and JFF’s (jobber friends forever).

Match 1: Jonny Firestorm vs. Ethan Axel Andrews 20 minutes

Jonny gets ambushed from behind by Ethan. Ethan makes the most of his sneak attack by focusing his attacks on Jonny’s leg. Severely hobbled, Jonny’ just can’t make any substantial comeback attempt. Ethan is whooping his ass. Just when it looks like he might put Jonny out of his misery, Braden runs in to save the day. Setting the stage for…

Match 2: Braden Charron w/ Jonny Firestorm vs. Ethan Andrews 23 minutes

Braden wastes no time avenging his friend. Poor Ethan is outmuscled from the get go. Relentless body slams, power submissions and bearhugs weaken the shaggy haired heel. Once Jonny has recovered enough, he joins in the fun. Ethan’s the recipient of a gigantic chest chop that echoes through the arena. Things don’t look much better for him. Jonny and Braden work as a cohesive Ethan wrecking unit. A double tombstone piledriver looks to be the end of Ethan till he calls out for help…

Match 3: Jonny Firestorm & Braden Charron vs. Ethan Andrews & Brad Barnes 16 minutes

Brad Barnes enters the ring. His chest puffed out like a buff peacock “you fucking with my boy?”. Brad’s presence is appreciated at first, but as the match progresses Ethan’s frustration grows. “Will you fight back?!?!” he yells as the muscled jobber gets worked over by Jonny & Braden. What happens next is a surprise to everybody involved in the match. A devastating finishing move KO finish.

Download: the 3 match bundle 59 minutes $60 


Jonny Firestorm vs. Ty Alexander: Unfaithful

Ty is one of Jonny’s go to kept jobbers. When Jonny hears that Ty met up with another wrestler earlier in the day without his permission, it leaves him no choice but to discipline him. Jonny manhandles the bubble butted jobber with no mercy. He strips Ty layer by layer as the match progresses. Multiple high impact slams and weapons come into the fold. This is a beating Ty will never forget, and one that Jonny loved to dish out.

Download: Jonny Firestorm vs. Ty Alexander: Unfaithful 23:30 minutes $30


Jonny Firestorm vs. Logan Vaughn: The Contract

Jonny approaches Logan as he warms up and tries to get him to sign his rookie contract. Logan insists he could take on Jonny, big mistake. Jonny takes the fight to the hunky rookie and punishes him into submission. With no end in sight and no other options, Logan signs his contract. Sometimes the devil is in the details, and Logan clearly didn’t read the details. “Hold on, the fine print says I can wrestle any contracted wrestler anytime, or anyplace I want” Jonny informs the battered rookie. Jonny is relentless as the hunk’s screams echo throughout the arena. After 40 minutes of abuse, Jonny finally puts the stud out of his misery.

Download: Jonny vs. Logan Vaughn 41 minutes. $30


Scissors Challenge: Jonny Firestorm vs. Forrest Taylor

Download: Jonny Firestorm vs. Forrest Taylor – the Scissors Challenge – 21 minutes, $30


Red headed rookie Forrest Taylor has taken the underground wrestling world by storm, and now he’s going to square off with the best of the best. After admiring and rubbing down Forrest’s quads, Jonny declares this bout should be a special scissor hold challenge. Whoever can get the most submissions by scissor holds wins. If there’s a double submission than the winner is decided by how quickly they gained the submission. Once gaining a submission hold, the wrestler gets to position their opponent however they’d like for the next scissor hold. Forrest seems confident, and for good reason, his legs have made plenty of worthy opponents submit. Are they strong enough to subdue Firestorm?

Jonny and Forrest waste no time showing one another just how powerful their legs are. Multiple submissions from both men echo throughout the arena as their quads clamp down around each other. Not many people can put Jonny to the test, but even he is willing to admit Forrest’s legs are legit. Can the ginger grappler pull out an upset win? Or will Jonny’s thick vice like quads crush the newcomer? And to make things even better, this match is the first match being offered with newer, higher video quality!


Download: Jonny Firestorm vs. Forrest Taylor – the Scissors Challenge – 21 minutes, $30


Domination: Jonny Firestorm vs. Aryx Quinn

You’ve seen Aryx and Jonny square up before. But never like this. I’m not sure you’ve ever seen a match like this. If you like scientific wrestling, flashy reversals and flips, this match isn’t for you. If you want to see one man totally abuse 200+ pounds of muscle hunk, this is going to be the match for you. I don’t even think theres one single submission hold in this total annihilation. Aryx gets his body totally worked over, his pecs and abs are brutalized by punches, forearms, chops and chair shots. His back is broken my multiple slams and throws. He’s rammed into the ring post and thrown into walls repeatedly. The steel chair bends and nearly breaks after smashing repeatedly over Aryx’s battered body. Jonny even breaks out a chain link fence to torture his victim more. 24 minutes of methodical, real beat down. You won’t see thigh slaps or fake hits in this match. The action is as real as it gets, and Aryx is totally pulverized by the end of this manhandling. The price of this match reflects it’s uniqueness. Jonny’s never given out a beating like this quite before, Aryx certainly hasn’t taken one like this. A match thats totally unique because of it’s brutality.

Download: Domination- Jonny vs. Aryx 24 minutes, $50.


Jock Fight: Jonny Firestorm vs. Ty Alexander

Jonny and Ty have fought numerous times, often with Jonny dominating the bubble butted jobber. This fight ranks up there with the hottest of their encounters. By popular demand, one of the rarest Jonny matches ever filmed is finally being released for good, a jock strap ring battle. Ty suffers beautifully as Jonny abuses the helpless jobber. KO’s, gut punching, spanking, scissors, racks, tombstones, slams, a stink face and more! Over 30 minutes of jobber torture.

Download: Jock Fight: Jonny vs. Ty 31 minutes, $40.


Aryx Quinn vs. Biff Farrell

Battle of the beef cakes! Biff is bulked up and ready to fight. Unfortunately for him he’s matched up against one of the all time meanest heels, Aryx Quinn. To quote Mr. Quinn in the past, he’s “twisted steel and sex appeal”. We couldn’t agree more. Aryx brings a whole different attitude and pulls a few surprises out of his bag of tricks for this match. A flying cross body block my Aryx?!?! That doesn’t mean he abandons his power wrestling style, at one point he just lifts Biff on his shoulders and does squats with him as added humiliation before slamming him to the canvas. Biff gets a serious beat down in this match. Aryx proves he’s a force to be reckoned with anytime he steps in the ring.

Download: Aryx Quinn vs. Biff Farrell 31 minutes. $30

Ball Bash Olympics 1: Jonny Firestorm vs. Drake Marcos

The Ball Bash Olympics are right around the corner, Jonny’s hoping to take home gold. He enlists the help of a very eager Drake Marco’s. Drake might regret volunteering to help Jonny train, he’s repeatedly ball bashed, slapped, kicked, punched, and squeezed. The poor jobber gets stripped, tied in the ropes, hung in the corner and much more. The inaugural matchup in the Ball Bash Olympic series. A brutal ball busting bonanza! Jonny sure looks like a gold medal favorite.

Download: Ball Bash Olympics 1- Jonny vs Drake 27 minutes. $40

Jonny Firestorm vs. Nino Leone

Nino Leone is a feisty twink, fearless in the ring or on the mat, he’s always up for a challenge. This time he’s bitten off more than he can chew. Jonny wants to play with his jobbers, and has a full arsenal of toys at his disposal. Nino’s ass is red with welts after Jonny drapes him over his knee and whips the slender jobber into submission… and that’s just to kick things off. Master Jonny has returned!

Download: Jonny vs. Nino Leone 22 minutes. $30


Jonny Firestorm vs. Ethan Andrews

Jonny and Ethan are no strangers to each other. Stepping in the ring for a classic match available at BGE, and several encounters available to Club Firestorm members. This might not be an end of the road, winner takes all match, but you wouldn’t know that by how intense and brutal they are with one another. Things start out with pleasantries but quickly deteriorate. Two skilled warriors using their full skill set to get the win, amateur wrestling, pro wrestling, and sub wrestling.

Download: Jonny vs. Ethan Andrews 20 minutes. $30