Tag Archives: Ethan Andrews

BFF’s: Jonny & Braden – 3 match bundle

Sometimes we all need a little help from our friends. That’s exactly where I found myself after a sneak attack by one sneaky Ethan Axel Andrews. Like a true friend, a giant muscular handsome friend, Braden was there to save my butt. As well as kick Ethan’s in the process. I wasn’t the only wrestler getting their butt kicked with a friend nearby. Ethan yelled out for a pal of his own to come assist him during his time of need. The final match was set, two wrestlers, two friends. Only one team can come out on top. This is the story of BFF’s and JFF’s (jobber friends forever).

Match 1: Jonny Firestorm vs. Ethan Axel Andrews 20 minutes

Jonny gets ambushed from behind by Ethan. Ethan makes the most of his sneak attack by focusing his attacks on Jonny’s leg. Severely hobbled, Jonny’ just can’t make any substantial comeback attempt. Ethan is whooping his ass. Just when it looks like he might put Jonny out of his misery, Braden runs in to save the day. Setting the stage for…

Match 2: Braden Charron w/ Jonny Firestorm vs. Ethan Andrews 23 minutes

Braden wastes no time avenging his friend. Poor Ethan is outmuscled from the get go. Relentless body slams, power submissions and bearhugs weaken the shaggy haired heel. Once Jonny has recovered enough, he joins in the fun. Ethan’s the recipient of a gigantic chest chop that echoes through the arena. Things don’t look much better for him. Jonny and Braden work as a cohesive Ethan wrecking unit. A double tombstone piledriver looks to be the end of Ethan till he calls out for help…

Match 3: Jonny Firestorm & Braden Charron vs. Ethan Andrews & Brad Barnes 16 minutes

Brad Barnes enters the ring. His chest puffed out like a buff peacock “you fucking with my boy?”. Brad’s presence is appreciated at first, but as the match progresses Ethan’s frustration grows. “Will you fight back?!?!” he yells as the muscled jobber gets worked over by Jonny & Braden. What happens next is a surprise to everybody involved in the match. A devastating finishing move KO finish.

Download: the 3 match bundle 59 minutes $60 


Jonny Firestorm vs. Ethan Andrews

Jonny and Ethan are no strangers to each other. Stepping in the ring for a classic match available at BGE, and several encounters available to Club Firestorm members. This might not be an end of the road, winner takes all match, but you wouldn’t know that by how intense and brutal they are with one another. Things start out with pleasantries but quickly deteriorate. Two skilled warriors using their full skill set to get the win, amateur wrestling, pro wrestling, and sub wrestling.

Download: Jonny vs. Ethan Andrews 20 minutes. $30