Tag Archives: Biff Farrell

Aryx Quinn vs. Biff Farrell

Battle of the beef cakes! Biff is bulked up and ready to fight. Unfortunately for him he’s matched up against one of the all time meanest heels, Aryx Quinn. To quote Mr. Quinn in the past, he’s “twisted steel and sex appeal”. We couldn’t agree more. Aryx brings a whole different attitude and pulls a few surprises out of his bag of tricks for this match. A flying cross body block my Aryx?!?! That doesn’t mean he abandons his power wrestling style, at one point he just lifts Biff on his shoulders and does squats with him as added humiliation before slamming him to the canvas. Biff gets a serious beat down in this match. Aryx proves he’s a force to be reckoned with anytime he steps in the ring.

Download: Aryx Quinn vs. Biff Farrell 31 minutes. $30

Jonny Firestorm vs. Biff Farrell

Firestorm often steamrolls over his opponents regardless of their size. Biff Farrell is a whole different beast though. He possesses incredible power and his arsenal of moves reflect that. Jonny does his best to subdue the beast but Biff fights back and slams Jonny hard to the canvas. Stretches, slams, reversal and brutal strikes are traded back and forth. When Biff catches Jonny in midair during a top rope cross body block attempt, he follows it up with a devastating F5. Who will emerge victorious in this pro style back and forth ring war?

Download: Jonny Firestorm vs. Biff Farrell 21 minutes. $30