August plans

Been dragging my feet on making a post, but I’m going to be doing a little two city trip in early August. Visit the Custom Video Page or Private Match Page if you’re interested in either.

Up first is Charleston, SC. I’m there August 10-12th. Will have time for at least one more private match. Probably not much else

Fort Lauderdale, FL the 12-14th. Schedule is about half full. Doing some private matches and a mini custom taping.

For the first time ever I’ll have Danny Del Toro in the house. Danny’s a skilled pro, and isn’t a newcomer to the world of underwear fighting.


Up next are two familiar faces, Monstah Mike is available as well as Tanner Ripley

Tanner Ripley

For longtime followers, you might remember August being my birthday celebration month! So coming out on the first is going to be Birthday Bundle #1. Every week in August a brand new 5 match bundle will be released!

One of these days I will write a real blog post again. But I’m off to see Deadpool & Wolverine now, so it won’t be tonight!

May 6-9th Custom Taping

I still haven’t unpacked from my last trip and another one is coming up. This time it’s for a BG East taping, so at least I’ll be in one spot for the week instead of jumping from city to city. I’m taking the next few days for some much needed R&R.

While I’m down in Florida I will have some time to shoot some custom matches. I don’t have a full line up yet, but this is a pretty good starting point. It should be a given that I’m available for any matches. So if any of these hunks are of interest shoot over to the Custom Videos Page and shoot me an email based off the guidelines and we can get the ball rolling.

We’re filming May 6th-9th

Monstah Mike

Gabe Steel

Dio Charachi

Tanner Ripley

Updated: Travel & Taping Roster

Deleted the old post to start a new one. More wrestlers added, and this looks to be the final roster. Will update this again if need be and make another announcement

My trip to the Great Leaks is scheduled as follows. I might be extending a day here or there depending on the situation.

Cleveland: April 25 & 26

Detroit: April 27 & 28

Chicago: April 29 & 30th

I’m primarily going to be taking private match bookings, so read the private match page and shoot me and email. We can at least get the ball rolling and set something up.

I will be crossing paths with a few other wrestlers that I could film custom matches with and will have a ring available to film in as well as a mat setting or hotel room. For custom matches, you all know by now to use the custom match page and shoot me an email with the details.

Available to film private matches, in addition to me

Kirk Donahue

Isaac Andrews

New Guy: A

New guy: B

New guy C

New Guy: D

New guy E

New jobber

TX & SC – private & custom matches

I’m going to be in Houston today though the 28th. Then Charleston from the 28th-1st. I have some free time for private matches, and Brendan Byers is free to film some custom matches with while I’m in Charleston. If you’re interested in either, you know the drill by now

Click here for Private Matches


Click here for custom matches

I promise I’ll get to a post with a general update on all things Jonny.

All cyber week sale matches, deadline set

I’ve added the final match that’s being released as part of the cyber week sale. Just to recap, here’s everything that was added in the last week.

Stakes: Jonny Firestorm vs. Brendan Byers

Custom Requests 1: Jonny Firestorm vs. Kayden Keller

Stripped: Jonny Firestorm vs. Aryx Quinn

Domination: Jonny Firestorm vs. Kirk Donahue

Underwear Battle: Jonny Firestorm vs. Forrest Taylor

Domination: Jonny Firestorm vs. Jack Norwood

Point of View 3: Aryx Quinn

Ball Bash League Championship

Morgan Cruise vs. Damien Rush

9 matches in 7 days, phew! Of course the sale just isn’t on these 9 matches, everything in the webstore is on sale!

Remember, to take advantage of the sale, use the “Add to Cart” button, then when checking out enter the discount codeGetOff20

I’ve had a few people reach out about getting a few of these matches on sale after the week was up (I started last Monday, so today should be the end). I’m deciding to extend the sale though the weekend to accommodate those of you who reached out. This way I don’t have to do anything special just for the few of you, everybody can continue to enjoy the discount.

The discount ends Sunday, December 10th at 11:59 pm EST.

I just did a private match last night with Kayden Keller. We took turns punishing, humiliating and being worshipped by one of my longest tenured private match clients. It was a fun match and we all went out to grab a bite to eat and some drinks after. It was fun to swap stores, talk wrestling and watch Sunday Night Football. As an unhappy Patriots fan, it made me happy to see the Cheifs take a loss last night. I’m hoping, and expecting New England to lose out the rest of the season. Not because they’re deliberately trying to tank, they’re just that bad. Hopefully they can move into the first overall pick, or at least keep the second overall pick. And then take a kings ransom from some foolish team that wants to trade up. Don’t get me wrong, they need a quarterback in the worst way. I just don’t think one player can fix the problems they have. I’d rather see them get a giant draft haul to address multiple positions of need, draft some QB with upside in the middle rounds and sign some bridge year player like Kirk Cousins if he’s available. I think when you look at the numbers, most teams that draft QB’s in the top 5 picks tend to regret those choices down the line.

I have a few potential trips coming up after the New Year. One to Florida for a tentative BG East taping, and potentially one to NYC. I’ll keep everybody posted. I’m off to the gym, later Firestormers!

Cyber Week Sale, 2 matches added

Let’s kick things off with the CYBER WEEK SALE. 20% off everything in your cart with the discount code GetOff20

Getting the discount is simple, use the “ADD TO CART” button instead of “Buy Now”. When you check out enter the discount code “GetOff20” at the bottom of the page where it says “Add Promo Code”. That’s it, start saving.

To celebrate the discount sale, I’m going to be adding at least one match to the VOD page a day. To kick things off I’ve added two matches

First up is Morgan Cruise vs. Damien Rush


The second offering is the Ball Bash League Championship, I take on a masked opponent in a brutal match that lasts over an hour long and only ends when one of us shoots.

For more photos and text descriptions visit the match pages.

I hope everybody had a good Thanksgiving. I’m still cleaning up. I had different family members over two nights in a row. I could have done one, but for my own sanity, to minimize the number of people in the house at once and to prevent any unnecessary conflicts I decided to do two nights instead of one big one. Saturday night I got together with friends for Friendsgiving, but only after having a fun private match with an individual in from out of town. We’ve emailed in years past when he’s home for thanksgiving, but haven’t been able to make things work out till now. I’m glad we did, I had a lot of fun and it was the perfect way to work back up my appetite for yet another turkey filled meal.

Off to the gym now to burn off the weekends overindulgence. I started back 4 weeks ago, and I’m down about 15 lbs. I suspect it would be more but I wasn’t trying to diet though Thanksgiving. It was humbling getting back into it, but my strength is coming back quickly. Which is a bad sign for my future opponents. Speaking of future opponents, I’m working on putting together a fun Xmas themed match. I’m hoping to have it finished in the next week or two. So keep your eyes peeled.


More wrestlers available for custom matches

The final roster is settling in and it looks like the following are available for custom matches towards the end of this week and early next week (Sept 14-19th ish)

In addition to some guy named Jonny Firestorm we have

Some people are only in town for short stays, so the sooner we can hammer out a script and the details the better. That way I can get the schedule set

Monstah Mike

Brendan Byers

Kayden Keller

Ash DeLeon

Freddy Campbell

Forrest Taylor

Lobo Gris

Rocky Sparks


Custom Shoot featuring Monstah Mike

Hi all,

I’ll be filming some custom video matches around mid-September with the one and only Monstah Mike

As usual, check out the Custom Video page and shoot me an email with the information asked for there.

I will be adding additional wrestlers that are available for matches, but wanted to start off with perhaps the biggest star addition.

Oh the places Jonny will go…

Two places. So I guess that was a bit misleading.

Chicago, IL

August 27th-September 1st

Houston, TX

September 6th-8th

I’ll have limited time to do some private matches in both places. In Chicago I’m going to be part of a shoot with Cameron Matthews and crew. Our schedule that day is pretty much booked but we might be able to squeeze in a custom match.

You know the drill by now, to work out a private match click here

Or a custom video click here

2 Custom Taping Rosters

First up is a much smaller taping this coming weekend, it’s only 3 of us but it’s a hell of a 3


I’m going to be helping out with a BGE taping the first week of June, so of course that means it’s time to announce a custom taping line up.

The following are available for this shoot

Note, for this larger shoot, time will be limited. So I will be very selective with what matches I accept.  Please visit the Custom Video page and proceed from there.
