Jonny Firestorm vs. Red Renegade

Jonny looks a little overconfident as the Red Renegade enters the ring. He’s easily dispatched larger fighters before, but the Red Renegade has a secret. He gains enhanced abilities from his mask. Firestorm is shocked as he’s quickly overwhelmed by the masked man. Jonny finds himself choked, crotch smothered, ball grabbed and scissored into submission. Each desperate comeback attempt easily thwarted by his the Renegade, who seems to be growing stronger as the match progresses. Will Jonny get absolutely decimated, or will he find the metaphorical kryptonite that brings the masked mauler down?

Download: Jonny Firestorm vs. Red Renegade 22 minutes $30


3 thoughts on “Jonny Firestorm vs. Red Renegade

    1. JT

      Jonny was great and attempted to fix the problem. Sounds like it is just an issue for my old computer and should work fine for everyone else. While I can’t hear anything in the clip, the visual was perfect and looks like the action is great!

      1. jonnyfirestorm Post author

        An update for anybody concerned about the sound. I’ve made a new version of the match using a codec that will work for everybody.


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