Tag Archives: video clip

The Challenger 4, CF video preview

The Challenger 4 has been added to the store, it’s a 21 minute download available for $25 (or $15 in the discounted VODs tab, for Club Firestorm members). http://jonnyfirestorm.com/vod.html


I go toe to toe with Rolf Fulton, in a 21 minute, back and forth pro heel battle. The bout starts with the both of us on our best behavior, exchanging some methodical back and forth wrestling holds. A couple minutes into the match, we both pump up the intensity, out come the slams, low blows, rope usage, and intense submissions.


I’ve also put up a free preview clip for Club Firestorm. Keep in mind, this is a preview clip, so the actual action can be a lot hotter than advertised. For those of you still on the fence about Club Firestorm, you’ve missed out on some great exclusive content. A sexy 2 on 1 beatdown of Christian Taylor & Skip Vance, a Ball Bash match, demolishing porn stud Logan Vaughn, and an exclusive Custom Combat DVD against Ty Alexander.

I’m also adding free clips and photo galleries from all of the matches available on both jonnyfirestorm.com and Club Firestorm.

Speaking of Club Firestorm, I’ve updated the navigation structure so that photo galleries no longer appear under the Blog Post tab. I realized it could lead to clutter, and it was difficult to find the actual blog posts among the hundreds of photos. I also accidentally published one of next months updates early, so enjoy the Jonny vs Austin Cooper photos!

I also have a question for all of you. Would you like the option of having the matches available on DVD? I thought downloads were the way to go in 2015, but I’ve received some request for DVDs. I’d make DVD options available of all Club Firestorm members.

That does it for now Firestormers, till next time!