Tag Archives: Kelly King

Florida tomorrow… err… today!

I’m going to Florida tomorrow for a weekend of BG East video tapings, and some of my own as well. I still need to pack my suitcase, I can’t ever seem to get the damn thing packed any sooner than the night before. I have no problem getting the equipment together, but unless the flight is 10 hours away or less, the suitcase is an impossibility.

I’ll have some free time over the weekend to film one or two more custom match requests. I’m not 100% sure about the available roster, but these are the confirmed wrestlers that I have available:

Rolf Fulton


Kayden Keller

Kelly King


Drake Marcos


Lane Hartley will also be around.

There will be some others, but I’m not sure of their interest filming custom matches.

Because I’m going to be away frequently in June, I’m going to release the bulk of all the Club Firestorm content right away on the first. Usually it would be spread over some time, but I don’t want to get caught up during the tapings, and not have time to update.

I spent some of Memorial Day with Cameron. I consider him to be one of my closest friends, and whenever we’re together it’s a good time. Here we are trying to decide who gets to roll first in Monopoly.

Well, that about does it for now. I’ve got a suitcase to pack!

Fun in the sun

Florida ended up being a very busy trip. I think I saw the water once, might have been out in the sun once. Not that you’d be able to tell from my non existent tan lines.


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I can’t post pictures from the BGE taping, but I will brag about the guys we had wrestle. All of them were studs. I can’t wait to see the reaction people have when the matches are finally released. Two of them aren’t new to the wrestling world and another two are brand new rookies who should be early favorites for some of the year end awards in 2015.


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 Of course there were some night time shenanigans as well. My first night in I went out with the boys to a well known local establishment and we got our drink on. Things can get a little out of control when you have alcohol and wrestlers mixed together, this was one of our calmer photo ops. 


 That being said, it probably wasn’t the smartest idea to have a couple nights of drinking under my belt before we started filming. I was more bloated than I should’ve been, but like I said in my last post. Everything seems to be on track, just gotta focus more on the mid section, and I have been!



I filmed a lot of custom matches, I wish I had time to do more. The response I got from my previous blog was overwhelming. I’m still trying to catch up on emails from the trip to let people know that I didn’t have time for their request.



I can’t post some of the images from the matches I did for a couple different reasons (imaginations run wild), but I hope you enjoy some of the photos I am willing to share.

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I’m going to be doing another (larger) custom match taping mid to late April, I’ll have the cast posted as they confirm. This time I’m leaving myself plenty of time to fulfill any and all custom match requests that I receive.

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 We had several different themes from the matches pictured. Some of them have a theme of me being the leader of a heel cult. Our sole purpose is to recruit new heels (sometimes against their will) and train them in the art of domination. If they’re able to survive their initiation some are promoted to the next rank, others are doomed to forever be the punching bags for the next group of heels in training.



We had several low blow themed matches. One with me and Austin Cooper that was very back and forth. Another between Drake Marcos and me that had be busting his bulge the entire time. I had fun, he probably had less fun.


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 I also did a sleepers themed squash match where I repeatedly knocked out Austin Cooper with a variety of different sleeper holds.

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The one that I enjoyed the most was probably a custom requested Custom Combat, where I destroy poor Ty Alexander. He was a trooper, he took everything I could dish out. Not with a smile on his face, but he survived. When you’re on the receiving end of a squash match with me, surviving is all you can ask for.



When we were done with two very long days of filming, I went out with the boys and celebrated. We went out to dinner and hit up the Manor after. We were separated and not all of us went home together. I hope they had as much fun as I did!



I don’t have a lot of downtime, despite what most people think. I was home from FL for about 24 hours before shooting up to Montreal. It was a short visit, I can’t wait to go back though. I love going up, there’s always something fun going on, the people are nice, the food is good. I can’t wait till the weather is a little nicer and walking around the city is enjoyable. 

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The new camcorder works great, there’s a slight learning curve that I’m getting accustomed to. As you can see from the photos, we were whited out at times. In the past having too much light in that ring room was never a problem, the camera handles low light situations spectacularly. Lesson learned. I haven’t played around much with the 4K recording mode yet, mostly because the computer I have isn’t equipped to handle the footage. In about a week that won’t be a problem anymore.





I had a great week in the gym… at least I think that I did. I stepped up my ab work and have been doing some extra work on my chest and back this week. Next week I’m going to start working in some cardio on my non lifting days, so hopefully the abs will start coming in faster.











If the formatting on this is a little off it’s because I’m doing it from my phone while running at the gym. That’s it for now Firestormers, till next time!   

Better late than never

I’ve been slacking with the blog lately. I’d like to think its for good reason though. I’m making strides getting back into shape, I’ve been taping plenty of custom matches, and I even did a pro show the other week. I’ve had my share of shenanigans as well. I got punched in the face on St. Party’s day…by a lesbian. It hurt and the ring left a nice little cut. It was a honest/drunken mistake. She was a classmate of mine in HS, I went over to say hi and wrestling came up. Next thing you know, “I could be a wrestler” is slurred out, and BAM! Right in the face. I’ve been hit harder by tougher though, it’ll take a lot more than that to put the firestorm down. 

The pro show was a lot of fun. I filled in for somebody on short notice. I haven’t been on a show in a long time so it was nice to get back in front of a crowd and do my thing. Believe it or not, in most of my pro shows in the baby face (good guy). I was in a triple threat match with two other heels, who wasted no time forging an alliance and double teaming me every opportunity they got. I fought back and picked up with win though, and I felt like it went well enough that I might start doing shows again semi regularly. Im hoping to have the video up soon. 

Getting back in shape has been a very frustrating and rewarding experience. I’ve had days where I’ve felt like the man of steel and others where I’m a total failure. The diet aspect is always tough for me. I’ve stuck with it for about 85% of the time. Had a couple nights where I broke down and binge ate snacks late at night or had some drinks after a stressful day. Or eating clean while I travel is tough as well. I don’t mind if I know I’m going over my numbers while I travel, if I know it’s good that at least has nutritional value. It’s when I stupidly woof down a piece of chocolate cake that I feel like an asshole.

The gym has mostly been a success. I forgot how much I enjoyed lifting weights. It really is a high for me. I feel great after a good workout. There’s been a couple days where I’ve been off, or just so tired I wasn’t able to have a killer work out, or even a good one. I those situations I do my best to “get through it”, without dialing it in. Some days the strength just isn’t there for me, so I go lighter and higher reps. Just yesterday I had one of my best days in the gym, I’m lifting weight back up near my normal numbers finally. Felt great to bench a couple sets at 225 again. The squats are around 275 right now, front squats 185. Curling varies wildly for me depending what else I’m doing that day and if I’m using free weights or an EZ bar. Free weights I’m back up around 40/45, the EZ bar 70/80. I’m starting to see some results. I think in another month or so I’m going to look pretty damn good, and will just need to focus on the abs coming in to be back in firestorm shape. 

Filming custom matches has been a ton of fun. I’ve had some wild conceps lately and a couple more coming up that I can’t wait to do.  Unfortunately my camera broke and it forced my hand into making a mich needed upgrade. Next I’ll need to upgrade my computer so I can take advantage of all the new features the camera has. I don’t often get much feedback from clients other than, “thanks Jonny, that’s exactly what I wanted”, but here’s something a satisfied customer wrote. This match was filmed with about 15 minutes of advance notice, we nailed it with barely any prep time. 

“That was fucking fantastic Jonny.  It was really, really fun.  In fact, it was nearly perfect.  I loved the variety of ways the blows were inflicted and the garish reactions that followed.  Both of you were clearly all in on the theme and it showed. I will definitely order more matches from you in the future!
Good stuff Jonny!  I really appreciate your making this for me.  You boys are great!”

Speaking of custom matches I’m flying down to FL right now to shoot a batch and I think I have some time to squeeze in one or two more matches if people are interested. The line up goes: me, Austin Cooper, Drake Marcos, Ty Alexander, Kelly King, two new hunks who have bodybuilder physiques similar to Austin’s and another cute twinky boy or two. If you’re interested shoot me an email at, customs@jonnyfirestorm.com but act fast, we have very limited time left to film any matches. 

Expect another post FL blog filled with fun behind the scenes photos and hopefully stories of more shenanigans! 

Till next time Firestormers.