Category Archives: Christian Taylor

Kid Karisma vs. Christian Taylor: VOD

Some matches need no description, this would be one of them. Kid Karisma is just that- he’s a hunky, buff ball off muscle and charisma. Normally we’d feel bad for whoever stepped in the ring with Kid K, but it just so happens that it’s one of our favorite jobbers, Christian Taylor. If he chose to Christian could have his picture plastered on the side of one of those teeny bopper shopping bags, but instead he chose to step in the ring with one of the most dominating BGE wrestlers of the last decade. Bravery, stupidity…attraction?! No matter the reason, we’re glad he did. Kid Karisma has his way with the pretty boy for over 30 minutes of sweaty, sexy, wrestle-stud action!

30 minutes. $25. Buy Now Add to Cart View Cart

Jonny Firestorm & Kip Sorell vs. Christian Taylor: VOD

Exclusive Content: Jonny Firestorm & Kip Sorell vs. Christian Taylor

Jonny is mentoring Kip to become a heel. To be as ruthless as he is beautiful. Christian Taylor is their unfortunate victim. Jonny and Kip torture the tall twink with a barrage of submission holds, crotch grabs, nipple twists, and strikes. They even tie Christian up with some rope, and then in the ropes for further abuse and humiliation. If you’re a 2 on 1 fan, or a Kip fan, this is a must have bout.

Jonny Firestorm & Kip Sorell vs. Christian Taylor is a 30 minute VOD, available now for $25.
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Firestorm Special #2: DVD

Exclusive DVD Content: Firestorm DVD #2

Match 1: The Wrestling Captain- Jonny vs. Jake Jenkins

Match 2: You’re Next- Jonny vs. Flash LaCash

Match 3: Sex Toys- Jonny vs. Christian Taylor

Match 4: Jonny’s Army- Jonny vs. Chace LaChance

Firestorm DVD #2 $100

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Jonny Firestorm vs. Christian Taylor & Skip Vance: VOD

Jonny enters the ring to finish off Skip, who has been demolished by the other heels. Skip his destroyed, tied in the corner, and forced to call for Christian. Jonny ambushes the sexy stud, and tortures him. Skip is helpless to watch, or forced to participate against his will. One of my favorite matches to date, a sexy 2 on 1 beat down.

Jonny Firestorm vs. Christian Taylor & Skip Vance is a 60 minute VOD, available now for $25. Use the button below to purchase the match.

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Jonny Firestorm vs. Christian Taylor & Skip Vance: Photo Gallery

The following post is for Club Firestorm (CF) members only. Need a compelling reason to join Club Firestorm? Check this link out, Club Firestorm info. If you don’t care what else is offered, but really want to know what I’m writing about, click here Join Club Firestorm. If you’re already a member, keep reading on. I’m only writing this lengthy intro, so people can’t read the post through the email preview. Well, that should just about do it. Now it’s time for the good stuff.

This match is available to purchase under the Exclusive Content tab: Jonny Firestorm vs. Skip & Christian. Click “Continue reading” to open the Photo Gallery.

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Jonny Firestorm vs. Christian Taylor & Skip Vance: Free Clip