A few of you eagle eyed fans have emailed me throughout the day asking about various things appearing, and disappearing across the blog site in addition to some changes on the main jonnyfirestorm.com site.
I don’t want to let the cat out of the bag just yet on the big announcement but here are some changes that are coming very soon
- Streaming Video access. Not to be confused with the current method to watch videos, downloads. Streaming access will allow you to save precious disk space and stream any match you own from your device anywhere you happen to be.
- Video Rentals. Have a match you might want to try before you buy? You’ll be able to rent a match and stream it for X amount of days. Right now I’m thinking each rental will be 3 days long from your point of renting.
- The blog is going to get wiped out and moved over to the main jonnyfirestorm.com site. This area will be repurposed for something else. Many of the custom video announcements will not get transferred over. Just the real blog posts. This will declutter the blog of outdated custom match announcements, etc.
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I’m going to be doing some filming this weekend. I have a few custom matches I’m doing in addition to breaking in a cute brand new jobber. I’m looking forward to getting into the ring for the first time in 2025. I haven’t wrestled since coming home from my nation wide tour in December. So I’m feeling well rested, I don’t have any nagging injuries to worry about, and I’ve lost more weight since my last posting. It was difficult to keep up with the gym while on the road, and then I took a little break for the holidays, but I started back up when I posted about my weight loss. I’m down another 5 lbs. I’m 183 lbs. right now. I should be pretty much right at, or below my goal weight of 170-175 lbs when I get to Florida at the end of the month.
Speaking of the end of the month. I’ll be stopping in Charleston, NC on my way down to Fort Lauderdale at the end of the month. If you’re local to either area, I will have time for private matches in both locations.
There are still a few slots open for custom videos to be filmed in February with the crew from my last blog. So get your scripts in before our schedules totally fill up.
And that’s all for now folks! I’m looking forward to bringing you these new viewing options and making my big announcement soon.