Wrestle for me

Thanks for taking the time to consider wresting for me. Here is a little more information

Match duration: I try to get anywhere from 20-30 minutes of wrestling per match, certain ideas can require a little less, or more time though. Depending on your experience level this whole process can take anywhere from 45 minutes to 2 hours or so. Sometimes more if you’re a novice.

Match process: Depending on your level of experience and training this can vary greatly. With limited, or no experience this is what to expect. You show up, get dressed and then we discuss the concept of the match we’re about to film. We’ll choreograph and practice a section of the match, then film that section. We repeat that process until we complete the match. Filming it in multiple smaller parts allows us to all get on the same page, not have too much to remember and easily fix and mistakes that happen. If you are experienced, we can likely get through nearly any match in 1 or 2 takes.

Custom Matches

If you’re here because you’ve been contacted about taking part in a custom video match, watch the video clip below as an example of what you’ll be doing.

Click here to watch a sample video clip