Sneak peek

The following post is for Club Firestorm (CF) members only. Need a compelling reason to join Club Firestorm? Check this link out, Club Firestorm info. If you don’t care what else is offered, but really want to know what I’m writing about, click here Join Club Firestorm. If you’re already a member, keep reading on. I’m only writing this lengthy intro, so people can’t read the post through the email preview. Well, that should just about do it. Now it’s time for the good stuff.

My busy travel month is over. It’s good to be home, not that I don’t enjoy being on the road. I’ve been recharging my batteries and preparing the Club Firestorm content for next month. I had everything set, but I changed my mind on some of the material I wanted to put up.

Sadly, there’s not much gossip to report on. The second Florida trip was very productive from a BG East standpoint. We had several new wrestlers compete both in the ring, and on the mat. I didn’t get much.. actually, anything done for me. The one night we did finish early the boys just wanted to go out, and have fun. We might have had a little too much fun, but nothing that prevented us from getting up and getting work done the next day. If memory serves me correctly we bar hopped from the Alibi, to Hunter’s, and ended up at the Manor.


Chicago was a fun trip, despite me coming down with some sort of bug. I ended up coming back a day early because I didn’t feel well. Originally, I was supposed to do an outdoor wrestling show with Cameron Matthews, but Mother Nature had other ideas, and the show was rained out. It’s too bad, we were expecting a decent turn out. To help hype the show, Cameron, and I did a radio show interview the night before.


Next month’s Club Firestorm update should be a good one. Here’s a sneak peek at what’s coming your way. Some are exclusive content, others are photo galleries, or free clips. I’m not revealing what the free streaming matches will be though. Of course there’s more that’s not pictured.

With my travel schedule this month, I released everything all at once at the beginning of the month. Is that a schedule you enjoyed, or should I spread the updates throughout the month, so that there’s something new every week? It all ends up being the same amount of content, but psychologically, it might feel better getting more frequent updates.

I’m also going to be adding a DVD option for Club Firestorm members. The vote was almost split evenly. It won’t hurt having the option, but it’s going to take me a little while to track down the original files and make them ready for DVDs. I’m also going to experiment with adding a Blu-Ray option.

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